Noemie Valenza Troubat

Supervisors: Maren Wellenreuther, Peter Ritchie (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Funding: MBIE Accelerated breeding for enhanced seafood production

Genomics of New Zealand trevally: enabling rapid and efficient selective breeding of complex polygenic traits


I am a French student working on the genetic basis of complex phenotypes.
Specifically, I have an interest in understanding the underlying interactions between genes, transcripts and the environment in growth traits in a New Zealand native species of Teleost: the white trevally (Pseudocaranx georgianus).
I integrate quantitative genetics, QTL mapping, GWAS, and differential expression analysis of transcripts to generate a map of the genetic variations involved several quantitative traits.

In my spare time, I am a keen sailor, climber and love regenerating soil!

Papa Y, Oosting T, VALENZA-TROUBAT N, Wellenreuther M, Ritchie PA (2020) Genetic stock structure of New Zealand fish and the use of genomics in fisheries management: an overview and outlook. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 1-31

“Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution” Dobzhansky (1973)